Jackie Greener


5/7/9 last update

Jackie Greener Carpenter

P.O. Box 214, Argyle, Texas 76226. cell phone 940-367-5128

225 Crawford Rd, Argyle  76226
jagreener@verizon.net   FACEBOOK

Husband:  Bill
Children:  Eric, Brent, 5 grandchildren
Business:  County DA's Office, Retired

Associate's Degree:  Criminal Justice
Graduation Prophecy:  
Accepted to Moon Colony because she finally settled down to only 1 guy.
2005: Just had shoulder surgery but looked fabulous at the reunion.
Jackie & Cathy Crawford Garrett
@ 2005 Reunion
Jackie & Tom (Susan Crawford) Lett @ 2005 Reunion
2003 Status:  I still live in Argyle with the same husband for 36 years this past August.  
We have 5 grandchildren.  
   I still work at the DA office and have been the director of Victim Services for about 3 years.   I have been with the County for 14 years.  
   I have an Associate's degree in Criminal Justice, plus 91 hours towards a bachelor's.  I just am out of steam right now to finish.   I plan to retire March, 2006, if possible.  
   Bill and I have a small  place in Gateway, Colorado (60 miles south of Grand Junction on the Utah boarder).  We plan to hang out there much of the spring and summer time.  But we have too many grandchildren to be gone for very long at one time.  We like to attend their many activities.
1990 Reality:  Jackie gave up hairdressing to work for politicians.  Some are more grateful than others.  She is married and has 2 children.