Larry Bacon



Sons, Corbett and Alex

Daughter, Amy

Education:  NTSU

Profession:  Junion & Senior High School Coach and Teacher

Graduation Prophecy:  Accepted to moon colony for his newly-patented chemical discovery that makes any girl a natural-looking blonde; he will be accompanied by his assistant, Judy Robbins.
Jack Suggs furnished the following about his cousin, Larry.

Larry was in an accident many months before graduation.  Skull crushed, left leg broken, left eye crushed and blinded, but he didn't want to die.  He was in a body cast for a year.  After recovering from this horrendous accident, he attended NTSU.  For most of his career, Larry worked as a junior and senior high school coach and teacher.

Larry had to take medication for seizures, this was a result of the head injury he received in when his car collided with a Katy locomotive at night at the rail crossing on Mill Street.  

Larry was teaching and coaching out in Van Horn when he contracted spinal meningitis.  He
slipped into a coma and was caught in a Catch-22 situation.  To treat him for the coma, they removed the medication necessary to prevent him from having a seizure.  

He used say he wouldn't live to be 40, and he died a couple of months before his 40th birthday.  If he was still with us he'd be a grandfather, as Amy is now a mother.

Larry would have loved the internet, e-mail, etc.  He was a wonderful fellow, very forgiving and caring.  He was the kind of fellow you'd be proud to call a friend.